Sunday, June 20, 2010

Late Night Text

That same Saturday, nine pm, I silenced my phone and threw myself face down on the bed. I wanted to vacuum out my overflowing thoughts before they had a chance to spill out on my pillow. The last place I needed them to be was on my pillow next to me, singing me a depressing lullaby. Closing my eyes, I tried to ignore the whining violin sounds that were beginning to grow louder and I went back to creating my impractical scenarios - something I had become very familiar with.

Awake, I laid in bed with my eyes tightly shut. It was too early to be waking up on a Sunday morning. After various attempts to get comfortable and go back to sleep, I kicked the covers off myself and got out of bed, Avoiding any sort of eye contact with my phone, I tried to pass it as I made breakfast but my curiosity got the best of me. The bold letters of her name were patiently waited in my text massage inbox as unread.

"I can't stop thinking about you." I repeatedly read those words, carefully engraving them in my mind. Realizing the text was sent after I was asleep, I sent her a text back with an brief explanation and expressed how I couldn't stop thinking about her either. Although it was seven in the morning, there was no delay in her response.

"If you don't have any plans, lets hang out at one." Without hesitation, I agreed.

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